Jewelry – Sacred Adornment
I have been crafting jewelry since those pasta necklaces in kindergarten (remember those?). Professionally, I have been creating sacred adornment for the past 25 years.
I create my assemblage jewelry to honor Nature in her numerous aspects as well as to honor the Self in its authenticity. I call these pieces
“TouchStones Anecdotal Art”
(each piece tells a story, perhaps it touches your story).
When you look at the jewelry that I offer in my etsy shop, you can also read the story that goes with each piece.
- Intention Keeper
- See Your Dreams!
- See Your Dreams!
- Tree of Life
I am inspired by semi-precious stones, handmade lamp work glass beads, sterling silver, and occasional bits of Mother Nature when composing my assemblage jewelry. I have had a lifetime love affair with Mama Nature, and I honor Her flora, fauna, and minerals, etc. I believe that all aspects of Nature hold their own energy. Because of this, you will see jewelry that honors Animal Medicine as well as notes on the energetic properties of the semi-precious stones used in each piece.
Please relax with a cuppa and spend some time looking through my collections. Read the stories. See if any speak to you. I hope they do!
- Moons and Tides
- Rainbow Moonstone
- See Your Dreams!
- See Your Dreams!
Series are added as the Muse moves me. Most are connected to the seasons and/or to myth and mystery. The Divine Feminine (and all Feminine is Divine, yes?) is another constant inspiration. So please check back since I am continually adding new pieces to my collections.
If you would like a custom piece created for your inspiration, contact me. I relish playing with others!
- Passion Cascades
- Moons and Tides
- Intention Keeper
- The Mighty Acorn
Please visit my etsy shop to see what’s available.
I am honored to be a recipient of the Banner Awards, given by the Hendersonville Art League. Please take a moment to hear me discuss my art and work, and thank you!
Please visit my etsy shop to see what’s available.
Thank you for supporting my passion!